Monday 18.09.2023

New Sustainability Report 2022

Our commitment to environmental and social sustainability

A lot has changed since we started discussing the topic of sustainability in 2018, focusing mainly on product. In a company that has been operating in the headwear market since 1995, we are used to innovating and adapting to changes. Now, the 2025 goal we had set ourselves has gone far beyond the product, also incorporating the dimensions of the environment and people, to which we are dedicating more and more actions in the short and long term.

We therefore present the new 2022 Sustainability Report, which we do not see as an expected output but as a tool of profound knowledge and business strategy.

Here we tell you with transparency and honesty our commitment to environmental and social sustainability, the results obtained in the past two years and the actions planned for 2023.

“For us, sustainability is not a label or a stamp to be applied, but a real journey of transformation that requires a fundamental change in the way we approach and perceive business.”
Elisa Pavan – Sustainability Manager

Read the full report here

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