Atlantis Custom Made Catalogue 2020

CUSTOM JACQUARD YARN COLOURS 335 3060 3036 3122 3040 2039 2432 262 2348 2344 2146 D79 5200 514 5128 553 520 594 5144 548 F22 F90 F66 5246 5260 5150 567 F86 531 412 H74 1033 107 1194 103 1229 H70 1074 1102 277 2038 2202 438 498 404 414 432 460 702 704 983 H007 966 9027 917 911 902 901 841 8068 8066 889 8005 6106 6066 6022 678 625 6464 6102 6212 E69 E44 6138 6094 630 3074 3016 3030 2418 2074 2072 2108 2278 2438 2430 2250 2500 This colour palette is only a colour guide and it is purely indicative. It does not guarantee the perfect matching between paper support and the real yarn colours. Original swatch yarn book can be provided on demand. 123